Narrow Way Bible Church


Narrow Way Bible Church and Ministries
Statement of Faith


The Holy Bible (Old and New Testaments) comprises the entire written Word of God.  They are in fact absolutely infallible and inerrant as originally penned in the autographs.


The Holy Bible is the absolute and final authority in all matters of faith and practice. The Holy Bible is not subject to man's approval or his ability to explain or expound it. The Holy Bible furthermore cannot be changed, altered or modified in anyway or manner whatsoever.


There is only one God, whether in the physical realm or the spiritual realm; He has always existed, and will always exist. He abides eternally as one Godhead in three distinct persons - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  


The Lord Jesus Christ, is the literal Son of God. The eternal Son of God entered the human race, born of a virgin, lived a perfect and sinless life, provided a substitution sacrificial death, was raised from the dead bodily, and ascended to the right hand of God the Father, where He now ministers as the eternal great High Priest, according to and in exact fulfillment of the Holy Scriptures.


Each and every member of the human race is fallen, lost and separated from God because of inherent sin. An act of faith, expressing a genuine personal acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior, is the one and only means by which a person can be forgiven their sin; saved through the blood of Jesus Christ, reconciled to God. This is exclusively a free gift of God of unmerited grace. 


The Holy Spirit indwells all genuine believers, who are thus sealed until the day of redemption and furthermore empowered to walk by the Spirit and live a godly life, in allowing God's will to be done on earth. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are also fully available for God's use in genuine believers, as the Spirit distributes accordingly.


The Church began with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. The Church is composed of all genuine believers throughout the world. Believers are united to Christ, and to one another as the body of Christ, and are thus a living entity.


The individual Church, as such, is composed of some members of the body of Christ, who gather together according to the Scriptures to participate in Godly worship, prayer, edification, testimony, and instruction.  The Scriptures disclose the carrying out of such activity through those appointed by God, as pastors and teachers.


The purpose of the Church is to carry on the works of Christ; proclaim the glories of God, witness to a lost world in declaring forgiveness and judgment, minister to the needy and be examples of perfect love as the salt of the earth. 


There exists within the Church age two ordinances: water baptism and Holy Communion. Water baptism, being immersed in water, is a testimony that the believer has repented, turned to God through Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sin, is buried with Him and likewise raised up with Him to walk in newness of life. Holy communion is a memorial partaking of bread and wine, which symbolizes the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is celebrated as the New Covenant, administered in remembrance of Him, and proclaim His death until His certain return.


All genuine believers are not perfect, but are expected to live perfect lives. In instances where a believer sins, by confessing his sin to God, God is faithful and righteous to forgive him his sins and cleanse him from all unrighteousness.  


The eternal security of the believer is anchored in his faith. Faith is required to receive and maintain eternal security. If a believer has subsequently shipwrecked his faith, then eternal security is lost. Only genuine faith can guarantee eternal security. We are saved by grace through faith.  


The return of Jesus Christ is certain and absolute, and understood to be according to pre-tribulation/pre-millennial dispensation.  Jesus Christ will rule for a millennium on this earth, and in conclusion the existing heaven and earth will be burned with fire, and there will be a new heaven and earth where believers abide forever.


There will be a resurrection of the dead of each and every member of the human race. Those saved, to a comforting eternal conscious existence in heaven. Those unsaved to a tormenting eternal conscious existence in the Lake of Fire (Hell).


Narrow Way Bible Church & Ministries: NWBM furthermore express that we are not the only ministry representing the true church; nor are we the only one possessing true knowledge and understanding of God's Word.  Jesus said, "I am the good shepherd; and I know my own and my own know me."