Narrow Way Bible Church


“Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” ~ Hebrews 10:24

At Narrow Way Bible Church, we want to keep growing in our understanding of who God is.  As Moses prayed in Exodus 33:13, we desire to KNOW God’s Ways so that we may KNOW God and find FAVOR in HIS sight.  We do this by studying HIS WORD and seeking HIM together. 

Did we say the early church met DAILY??  

We encourage and invite you to join us for a slightly different study format on the FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH from 7:00-9:00pm MST.  This group is more interactive and the conversation is led by everyone who attends.  We do not meet at the church but rather choose to meet within our communities themselves, at our own homes or at various Downtown Locations.  There is no childcare provided on these nights, so if your kids don’t quite meet the Jr High and above age group, they can still come, but know they will be sitting with the adults.  Hope to see you there!  Call or Email the church for location details!

Our group is also available to join ONLINE!  Click the link below to VIEW our study on our home page STREAM at 7:00PM MST "FIRST" WEDNESDAY Nights!  See you online!!

